
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Served as a teaching assistant

  • MA 1021 Calculus I: Differential Calculus (Summer 2023)
  • MA 1022 Calculus II: Integral Calculus (Summer 2023)
  • MA 1024 Calculus IV: Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
  • MA 2051 Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 2023, Fall 2023)
  • MA 2071 Matrices & Linear Algebra I (Spring 2024)
  • MA 2210 Math Modeling for Decision Making (Spring 2024)
  • MA 2431 Mathematical Modeling with ODEs (Fall 2023)
  • MA 2611 Applied Statistics I (Spring 2023)
  • MA 3471 Advanced ODEs (Spring 2024)

Regent University

Served as a teaching assistant

  • MA 320 Differential Equations (Fall 2021)
  • MA 301 Probability & Statistics I (Spring 2020)

Since Fall 2022, I have served as a teaching assistant (TA) for a number of undergraduate mathematics course. As a TA, I am responsible for leading two discussion sections for one or two courses each seven-week term, holding office hours, promptly and accurately grading homework and quiz submissions, and further assisting students at WPI’s Math Tutoring Center.

I believe that mathematics does not have to be a mysterious, formidable subject. To paraphrase an old textbook: Math is difficult because it is different, and it takes time for things that are different to become familiar. In the discussions I lead, the feedback I give on assignments, and the tutoring I provide in office hours and the Math Tutoring Center, I try to explain where concepts are coming from and demonstrate why they work in order that the math be seen as accessible rather than esoteric.

Prior to joining WPI, I was a teaching assistant for two courses at my undergraduate institution. In Spring 2020, when my college moved online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I formatted my professor’s handwritten Probability & Statistics I notes using LaTeX so that they could be more easily distributed to my classmates. In Fall 2021, I graded the homework assignments for a Differential Equations class.

Sample Notes